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Posted February 15th, 2011 by vinay

Fellow giants,

We are starting a new section called Giants News. Send your photos with reports. We will try to add them to the web.
Another good news!

Letters sent with details TO MAKE EMAIL OPERATIVE
Check up your giants email.

Your 1st name dot 1st letter of 2nd name @giantsinternational.org
will be your giants email address

For example,

ashok hukkeri

To check your email point your browser to mail.giantsinternational.org
For username enter your email address as above.

Some of the responses we proudly display

My Dear Mr. Menon,

As requested by you, I have opened my email
 account by completing the steps
stated by you in your latest message. 

I congratulate you for this group mail message
 systems that will be very useful for interse communication with all our members through out the
Country.  Kindly ensure its publication in the 

Wish you all the best.

Your sincerely,
P.C. Joshi

Letus salute this giant
His was the 1st of few letters of confirmation received that his email -giants- is working

Dear Upendra Menon,

Thank you for creating the email accounts of many Giants.

My email id is working. I reckon, we will have the option to manage the
password at a later stage.

Kind regards,

Gt. Rajesh Bibikar
Auckland, New Zealand

Yes Mr Rajesh, it is operative. Just point your browser to Mailadmin.
As an example,
User account: ashok.h
Domain Name: giantsinternational.org
Password: YourPassword

Dear Mr. Upendra Menon,
 Congratulations on setting up this new website.
 I am sure a lot of hard work and late hours have gone into this endeavour, 
which will be appreciated by all our Giants across the globe. 
While I thank you for your excellent efforts which will surely strengthen our Giants, 
I would like to appeal to all Giants to take advantage of this website.
 All the best. 

 Shaina N. C


Dear Mr Menon

I thank you for coming all the way from Thane.  He is very much concerned
with the Giants members to give them support and make them understand
in a very easy way.  I really appreciate his sincerity towards Giants
and me.  I sincerely thank you from bottom of my heart.  I wish him
always good luck at all the times.
thanking you once again,


Message from Mr. C.Venugopal,

Dear Menon,

  I am very happy to see the Giants international website.  It is modified and given a good look and is very useful for the members to get latest information from the head quarters.

The site also help us to prepare the monthly report and attach photos. 

Now we get the Monthly Magazine via web and there is no need to depend on postal service.    

I congratulate you and wish your team all success for the good work and  upgrading the Giants website.


Others who has done it very easily include

  • Sri Narayan varma
  • Ashok hukkeri
  • Ravindra uberoi
  • AND THE GIANTS PRIDE, Shaina NC, Worldchairman Nana, Hon. Secretary GI Shirishbhai ALSO Confirmed mail working

yes we will see all directory email working.
and all the more you want your mail working
–if it is not –contact us
Upendra menon – upendra.m@giantsinternational.org