Home » Shaina NC

Shaina NC

  • Shaina NC is the World chairperson of Giants International.
  • Currently she is Treasurer, Spokes  Person  and member National Executive Council BJP 
  • A fashion designer, she is often referred to as Queen of Drapes. She holds a record in Guinness Book of World Records for draping fastest saree. Her 55 innovative ways of draping saree has brought glory to her fashion designing career.



Fellow GIANTS,

Giants award day went well with all pomp n show.Dr.Manohar Parikkar As chief guest and the presence of our world chairman with his wit and humour was pleasant experience.

Change is perhaps the only thing that Doesn’t Change

Nanas announcement of relinquishing his position and Shaina as World Chairperson of Giants International was exciting and pleasant gusture from a proud father

Here we Present Shaina NC World Chairperson Giants International

We expect and Hope Nana will continue as our guide n mentor.



At the meeting of the Giants Central Committee held on 2nd Sept 2012 at the Mumbai Head quarters I was honoured with the privilege of being appointed the Executive World Chairperson of Giants International. My thanks to each of you for reposing your trust in me. It is not the post or the position, it is about being with our entire Giants families, our dedicated members who have served the organization selflessly for decades.

Giants have been the first to contribute with cash and kind in times of natural and other calamities. The Latur and Bhuj earthquakes, the Tsunami floods, terrorist attacks, or Kargill; where our members went personally with medical help and relief for the victims. All this happened not neglecting regular projects which our groups conduct all over our country and abroad throughout the year. In the field of Water Harvesting and Conservation, Family Planning, Save the Girl Child’ Environment, Health care and more, we have never lagged behind. I take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting my father, Shri Nana Chudasama, the World Chairman who is fully committed to serve our country and humanity at large and motivate all of you to join him. His strength is your support.

Let us mull over these thoughts which have been expressed by eminent personalities… “Some are born strong so that they can help the weak” “Life becomes worth living when you care about others, dare for others and share with others” “When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die”

Together we will take the organization to greater heights and across the length and breadth of the globe. Communication may make our world seem a smaller place but there are still too many who are vulnerable, homeless, starving and without hope. With your help and dedication I am sure we can alleviate their plight. Do not let us fail to try.

I will take time out of my schedule to make myself available at the Giants office from 11am to 12noon, Monday to Saturday. Please feel free to contact me with all your suggestions, guidance and feedback to strengthen the organization further.

You may call me directly on 9820436706 or through Mr. Virendra Aiyer, Manager Giants International on 23630191/ 23679698 or Mrs. Shaheeda on 9920098867.

– Shaina NC